Basic Concepts of Redux

Sagar Kharabe | June 29, 2019 · 2 min read

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Redux is a small Javascript library created by Facebook that serves to control the status of an application. It is based on the Facebook Flux architecture. Redux is commonly used with React, but can also be used with Angular.

The three principles of React

Only source of truth

The status of your entire application is stored in a single store.

Read-only status

The only way to modify the state is by issuing an action , an object describing what happened. This is done through the function dispatch().

Changes are made with pure functions

To specify how the status tree is transformed by actions, pure reducers are used . Reducers are pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and return a new state.

Main concepts


The actions is the information we send to the store, they are sent through the dispatch(action) store function . According to this information the reducers will change the status of our application.

It is basically an object that contains a type ( type ) and data , for example:

let myAction = {
   // The action, a unique identifier (usually a descriptive string) 
   type: 'ADD_USER',

  // Then the data we want to send. 
   user: {
      name: 'JK Rowling',
      age: 52,
   typeUser: 'PREMIUM',

Finally we sent the function through dispatch(action):


Action creators

The creators of actions are functions that serve precisely to create actions, they help us structure and write less code.

Following the example above, we will create a function to add users.

function addUser(name, age, typeUser, ...) {
   return {
      type: 'ADD_USER',
      user: {

Then using this function we can add users.

store.dispatch(addUser('JK Rowling', 52, 'PREMIUM'))
store.dispatch(addUser('Harry Potter', 12, 'PREMIUM'))
store.dispatch(addUser('Draco Malfoy', 12, 'BASIC'))

In this way we save ourselves from writing a lot of code and our code is more structured.


A reduce is a pure functionthat is responsible for transforming the current state to a new state. The prototype of the function is as follows:

function myReducer(state, action) {
   // Acá se modifica el estado de acuerdo a la accion(action) que recibamos
   return newState


The Store where all the data of our application is stored and has the following responsibilities:

  • It contains the state ( state ) of the application, the state is that this.state of a React component, here all the application data will be stored and will be unique.
  • Allows access to the state via getState().
  • Allow the status to be updated via dispatch(action).
  • Register the listeners via subscribe(listener).
  • Handles the cancellation of the listeners registration via the return of the function of subscribe(listener).

To create a Store , we need the createStoreredux function and we need at least one reducer that will be passed as a parameter.

import { createStore } from 'redux'
let store = createStore(reducers, initialState)

As we see, it createStorereceives 2 parameters:

reducers : The reduce (s) that will be called when you want to update the status. initialState (optional) : The initial state for the state.


It is very simple to start using Redux in our application, here I leave you some useful links that will help you enter more deeply into the world of Redux.

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Written by

Sagar Kharabe

Hi, I'm Sagar Kharabe, fullstack developer. Click here if you want know more about me or my work checkout my portfolio.